4+ assessments and multilingual children
Many bilingual and trilingual families get increasingly nervous as the 4+ assessments approach. The prospect of their multilingual child being grilled in English by a native speaker — and the richness of their budding vocabulary being evaluated on the basis of their answer to questions such as what is the colour of your mom’s hair*–is […]
Making Music Exams Work for You
As far back as I can remember, I have always sung. As a child, I sang because I simply couldn’t help it. It nourished me, elated me and grounded me. I sang as others speak, dance, run or write. As a teenager and then an adult, I kept on singing, eventually becoming a professional opera […]
EQ vs IQ – How to nurture a child’s Emotional Intelligence
One of the greatest gifts a parent can give a child is to help them become ‘emotionally articulate,’ i.e. able to recognise, express and manage their own feelings. This is a skill developed over time, as the terrible twos –when tantrums are often caused by a child’s frustration at not being understood or listened to—give […]
Talking Heads: Mr. Faber of Summer Fields
Summer Fields is a full-boarding and day boys’ preparatory school in the heart of Oxford. David Faber discusses his plans for the future of the school.
Schools – Where to Start?
This article was commissioned to Magus Education by ParentVille. We republish it with their permission. This is how it goes. You pee on a stick. Small hurrah. You bite your nails for the next 12 weeks before sharing the news. Toast. Sorry, mocktail for you. Flash- forward a few weeks — you have yet to hit […]
4+ : Our tips for the day
Christmas trees, stripped of their shiny ornaments, are shedding their last needles onto the pavements. Night falls fast and early. Fresh Moleskine diaries are bursting with New Year resolutions. That can only mean one thing: 4+ assessments are coming right up. And while three-year olds up and down the country, still mesmerised by their Christmas […]
Talking Heads: King Alfred’s Robert Lobatto
Robert Lobatto has been the Headmaster of King Alfred School, a progressive, child-centred, co-ed school in Golders Green, since Sept. 2015. He spent a large chunk of his career turning around struggling schools in the state sector. Tell us more about your background. I spent 25 years in the state system as a history teacher, […]
Is it time to ditch homework?
Last week Inverlochy, a primary school in Scotland, made headlines as it became the latest U.K. establishment to abolish homework. The school argued that neither parents nor pupils wanted it, that it encroached upon precious family time and that it prevented pupils from participating in more enriching after-school activities. The fact that the somewhat innocuous […]
Show, not tell
The political outcomes witnessed on both sides of the Atlantic this year show two of the world’s most influential countries turning inward. The winning rhetoric on both occasions has been one of individualism and protectionism, of us before them, or worse, against them. One article in the Huffington Post Tuesday asked: What Do We Tell […]
Parental Expectations: Lessons Learnt from Beyoncé
When we talk about ‘privilege’ and ‘entitlement’, the defining feature of such childhood conditions is that the adults in the child’s life, from teachers to parents, believe unquestioningly in their protégé’s capacity to become a glittering success.